Egipto consigue MiGs ante la expectación internacional



Un MiG-15 de la fuerza aérea egipcia, a mediados de 1956


THE EGYPTIAN authorities decline to release any information on the composition and equipment of their Air Force beyond the bare statement that «the latest types of aircraft used are Meteors and Vampires». (1)

CAIRO has now officially confirmed that, among the considerable quantity of arms purchased by Egypt from Czechoslovakia, will be a number of Mig fighters.[…] The Egyptian Press is reported to be deriving great satisfaction from the fact that the Mig will more than match the Israeli Mysteres.(2)

GIVING details of reported Soviet arms shipments to Egypt, a New York Times correspondent says that crated Mig-15s were being moved on the Port Said docks last week and that a number of Il-28 bombers were awaiting movement to Egyptian airfields. (3)

ISRAEL’S request to America for arms was «still under consideration» said a State Department announcement last week. Details of the request were not revealed, but it is unofficially reported in Washington that the aircraft section of the list specified 40 or 50 F-86s to balance the Migs which Egypt is receiving from Czechoslovakia. (4)

PART of a formidable consignment of arms recently received by Egypt from Czechoslovakia, two squadrons of Mig fighters flew over Cairo for the first time on January 15th.(5)

IN order to redress balance of air power in the Middle East—which has been in Egypt’s favour since she obtained medium bombers built in Czechoslovakia—the Western powers have agreed to allow Israel to buy a limited number of modern fighters. It is believed that France will supply 12 Mysteres (in addition to 12 delivered under an early agreement) and that 12 Sabres are to be provided by Canada. (6)


(1) 13 may 1955

(2) 7 oct 1955

(3) 4 nov 1955

(4) 25 nov 1955

(5) 20 ene 1956

(6) 18 may 1956

(Todas las citas de Flight)



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